Why should I change from periodic thermal inspection to 24×7 Thermal Condition Monitoring?

There are a number of reasons which can be summarised as:

  • Thermal inspections on electrical equipment are normally undertaken annually – that is one day out of 365 – less than 1% – which means a high dependence on luck to detect a failure condition in advance of the failure.
  • Thermal inspections are not integrated into SCADA / BMS computerised systems and so cannot provide alarm notifications, trending, analysis etc.
  • The thermal inspection temperature measurements are highly dependent on the quality of thermal camera and operator, thus data produced is not of a uniform quality. Further, thermal window infrared transmission deteriorates over time, making accurate indications of Go / No Go situations unreliable.
  • Exertherm sensor technology provides proven accurate and reliable data of a uniform quality
  • The IIOT “revolution” will globally transform the way electrical infrastructure is procured, operated, and maintained  across all major industries. Installing sensors to create the data for subsequent analysis is a key part of the IIOT jigsaw since No Sensor = No data!
  • ALL major OEMs now advocate the use of thermal condition monitoring over periodic inspection.