Create A Technology Advantage

Group 2322

Monitor Assets 24/7

Group 2332-1

Optimize Maintenance

Group 2355

Increase Uptime

24/7 condition monitoring for mission critical infrastructure enables increased power reliability and uptime

IIoT is irreversibly changing the way equipment is operated and maintained. It connects the internet to electrical/mechanical infrastructure and process machinery to enable condition monitoring data to be acquired.

Its more important now than ever to be focusing attention on the benefits of continuous monitoring as opposed to inspection, and accepting that this change to digitized maintenance is inevitable.

24x7 Condition Monitoring will predict approximately 70% more failures in advance than periodic thermal inspections

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The benefits of condition monitoring include:

  • Prevent unexpected power outages
  • Continuous monitoring 24/7
  • Identify faults in advance of failure
  • Maximize uptime and reliability
  • Digitally transform electrical infrastructure
  • And build resilience into your facility
Solutions - critical-infrastructure - Industrial equipment can last for more than 50 years (1)

Industrial equipment can last for more than 50 years with regular maintenance, it costs so much that it is seldom economical to replace before its useful life has ended.

McKinsey, What Electrification Can Do For Industry

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