Digital Transformation Technology

Group 2332-1

Optimize Maintenance

Group 2340-1

Improve Safety

Group 2354

Digitize Assets

Reduce downtime and increase personnel safety with continuous monitoring for electrical assets

Hitting productivity goals and ensuring workforce safety are two key objectives for oil and gas managers. Whether operations are up-, mid-, or downstream, or marine (LNG, FPSO), these challenges are shared across the energy sector.

Repairing and restating electrical assets and critical machinery as a result of an abrupt outage can be expensive, time-consuming, and involve unsafe manual inspection.

To eliminate the risk of unexpected electrical equipment failures that would otherwise compromise personnel safety and interrupt production, oil and gas companies must utilize new and more efficient maintenance methods. The installation of sensors that monitor critical electrical assets 24x7 can provide valuable condition data and insights for equipment such as LV/MV switchgear, MCCs, UPS, PDUs, and dry transformers.

IIoT-driven technology leverages data from sensors that monitor equipment status to detect faults and identify anomalies.

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The benefits of condition monitoring for oil and gas industries include:

  • Continuous monitoring of critical machinery with real-time health data that helps identify faults in advance of failure
  • Maximize uptime and equipment reliability
  • Digitally transform electrical infrastructure by leveraging advanced analytics and data visualization tools for decision making
  • Maintenance activities can be tailored based on the actual condition of assets
  • Efficient operation of equipment for maximizing production output and optimizing resource utilization in oil rigs and refineries
Solutions - Oil _ Gas - In over 25 years of data collection (1) copy-1

Just 3.65 days of unplanned downtime a year can cost an oil and gas company $5.037 million.

- Kimberlite Research

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